We are excited and honored to announce that philanthropist Mackenzie Scott has made a generous $16M contribution to Alliance, specifically citing our effectiveness in changing educational outcomes for our most marginalized young people.
In an act of incredible generosity, Scott has made a commitment to giving away all her wealth and has been making generous contributions across the globe to those who serve our most vulnerable. In her most recent round of grantmaking, Scott has funded an array of organizations that are changing the life prospects of low-income students, including after-school programs, traditional school districts, and other high performing charter networks like Alliance.
This gift will be used over the coming years to strengthen our college persistence goals, including key work to ensure our graduate profile comes alive for every Alliance scholar. We will also use it to continue to attract and retain the very best educators—the single most important factor in a scholar’s learning and readiness for college.
In this moment we are reminded, and incredibly grateful, that our entire community of Alliance champions—now inclusive of Scott—share our bold aspiration to ensure exceptional schools can be accessible to all.